Our Stories
Our Stories are written by or about previous award recipients. We use this space to give examples of grants and how Trefoil has impacted our community.
Team Jak Foundation
In September 2019 Trefoil awarded the Team Jak Foundation a grant of £5,000 towards their music therapy programme for your cancer sufferers.
Elodie's Assistance Dog
In March 2021 Trefoil awarded Autism Dogs CIC a £4,500 grant to help train and provide Elodie, a teenager from central Scotland with an autism assistance dog.
Scottish Disability Sport
Trefoil and Scottish Disability Sport have worked in partnership since 2018. In March 2021 Trefoil awarded SDS’s member branches in Perth and Kinross and Ayrshire grants totalling £11,000 to help host a range of inclusive sports days.
Autism Dogs
In September 2020 Trefoil awarded Autism Dogs a grant of £3,690 towards their ongoing training of Autism support dogs for individuals supported by the charity.
Families First St Andrews
In 2019 Trefoil helped Families First, based in St Andrews with a grant of £3,500 towards a range of events and activities in their busy calendar.
Logan's Holiday Grant
In July 2020, Trefoil awarded £470 to help towards the costs of Logan’s holiday with his family to Bunn Leisure, Selsey.
Edinburgh Young Carers
In 2019 Trefoil awarded Edinburgh Young Carers £1,550 towards their Play Therapy service.
Options in Life
Trefoil supported Options in Life with a grant of £3,620 to help fund their development programme.
Riding for the Disabled Association
Trefoil awarded £2,300 for the annual upkeep and training of their new pony as part of their equine therapy.
Starcatchers - Stripey Nest Project
In September 2019 Trefoil awarded £2,000 to Starcatchers Stripy Nest Project
Project Ability
Trefoil provided a grant of £7,400 to help Project Ability engage 66 pupils from 8 Additional Support for Learning Schools and units from across Central Scotland in 2019 in an arts project.
New Trustee – Michael Stewart
The Directors were pleased to welcome a new Trustee, Michael Stewart to the board of Trefoil.
East Kilbride Youth Disability Sports Club
In September the members of East Kilbride Youth Disability Sports Club enjoyed a residential activity weekend at the Lochgoilhead National Activity Center in Argyll. This was supported by a £4000 grant from Trefoil.
Isaac's Holiday to the Scottish Highlands
In the summer of 2019, Trefoil awarded £500 to help support Isaac and his family to go on an action-packed holiday to the Scottish Highlands.
Lothian Autistic Society
In 2018 Trefoil gave a grant of £2,000 to the Lothian Autistic Society for their Saturday Adventure Programme.
Families First St Andrews
In March 2019, Trefoil awarded a grant of £3,500 to assist funding the Families First Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Picnic and New Year Party.
Drake Music Scotland
In May 2018, Trefoil awarded Drake Music Scotland £18,480.00 to enable them to work with Lothian Autistic Society, The Yard and Teens+ from August 2018 to June 2019 and provide high quality and meaningful music tuition for a total of 24 children and young people with special needs.
Children's Classic Concerts
At the end of 2017 Trefoil helped fund Children’s Classic Concert’s We Can Fly Project. Children’s Classic Concerts provide interactive and inspirational experiences of live music. ‘We Can Fly’ is a moving piece of music tailored for pupils with additional support needs at the point of their transition between primary and secondary school.
Holiday Grant
In September 2018 Trefoil helped fund a holiday for twins, Alec and Bobby. Both Alec and Bobby have Autism. The grant from Trefoil allowed Alec, Bobby and their parents to go on an Autism friendly holiday to Hartland Holiday Centre on the Isle of Wight. Hartland provides sensory rooms and facilities suitable for children with Autism.