Edinburgh Young Carers


In 2019 Trefoil awarded Edinburgh Young Carers £1,550 towards their Play Therapy service.

Edinburgh Young Carers have recognised that many of the children and young people attending their services faced challenges to their mental health – while the in-house counselling talking therapy is suited  to some of their participants it is less suited to some of the younger carers.  Edinburgh Young Carers Play Therapy services therefore provide therapeutic benefits to young carers without requiring them to talk about their problems.

In combination with play therapy, playdates have provided an opportunity for young carers who find social settings difficult (due to stress or inexperience) to play and gain social and communication skills in a less intimidating setting
within a small group.

In 2019, a total of 8 young carers took part in 100 hours of play therapy and 45 young carers took part in 35 play dates.
