Project Ability

On the Road Schools

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Trefoil provided a grant of £7,400 to help Project Ability engage 66 pupils from 8 Additional Support for Learning Schools and units from across Central Scotland in an arts project. The project ran from January to June 2019.

5 high profile Artists from their Aspire programme co-designed and delivered workshops with the young people. The programme was designed to provide positive role models from within the learning disability community.

The Artists delivered a variety of exciting activities based on their interests and expertise and the interests and abilities of the children. Every pupil taking part experienced something new, working with new materials and processes.  Activities included painting, drawing, weaving, ceramics, print making, collage, sculpture and x-film drawing with some groups exploring landscapes and portraits in a variety of mediums.

The children and staff reported that pupils had a new found pride in their achievements, enjoyed taking part in new activities and learned new skills.  For many having new faces in the classroom had sparked excitement and interest and they had the opportunity to explore materials and scale not normally available within school.
