New Trustee

At their recent board meeting the current Directors were pleased to welcome a new Trustee, Candice Donnelly, to the board of Trefoil.

Candice is a Senior Strategic Project Lawyer with Virgin Money and supports the Company Secretariat team. Candice has extensive experience in corporate governance, providing legal input to Virgin Money’s governance framework. She has also acted as a legal and commercial adviser in connection with corporate charitable initiatives.

Candice has worked alongside Newcastle City Council to develop a programme assisting homeless families. As a spokesperson for PRIME initiative, Candice supports disadvantaged schoolchildren with legal work experience. She has also advised on various not-for-profit and charitable contracts and grant funding arrangements.

The Board of Trustees are incredibly pleased to welcome Candice to their number. Her experience in corporate governance and enthusiasm to support the trust’s beneficiaries, will be of huge benefit to Trefoil.
