Trefoil in 2018


In 2017 Trefoil committed a record £110,000 to deserving beneficiaries. Reflecting on this success at a recent meeting, the Board of Trustees resolved they would attempt to commit £120,000 over the course of 2018, supporting projects aimed at increasing participation in arts, music and sports, as well as continuing to support individuals and their families.

The trustees were particularly proud of grants which had enabled organisations to impact a large number of beneficiaries. These included:

  • Three separate Project Ability programmes which received grants of £5,333£2,400 and £5,900 respectively. The great work Trefoil has assisted Project Ability with can be seen here.

  • Frozen Light Theatre. A Trefoil grant of £2,000assisted them with performing at the Edinburgh Festival. Their show, Home, was specifically created to provide a multi-sensory experience for audiences with profound and multiple learning difficulties.

  • A £5,000 grant to Lothian Disability Sport, made in May 2017 allowed them to purchase adaptive equipment and run several events, including a swimming gala and para-sports festival. We wrote about their excellent events here.

2018 has already seen a grant of £18,480 to Drake Music, £10,000 to The Teapot Trust and £3,610 to Frozen Light Theatre, to allow them to tour a new, multi-sensory show, across Scotland. They will perform 20 shows in 10 towns across the country in early 2019.

Trefoil is moving into an exciting new chapter of its history and our outgoing Chair, Eddie Frizzell CB is anticipating that we will continue to support excellent causes thanks to the determined work of our trustees.

"Following the sale of our property at Gogarburn in Edinburgh the trustees set themselves the aim of halving our administration costs and doubling our charitable giving and I am delighted that both aims were achieved in 2017. Applications for grant assistance have been buoyant and our current financial position suggests that 2018 will be another successful year as the charity seeks to give young people with particular needs opportunities they might otherwise not have."

The trustees will continue with Trefoil’s current grants schemes, Personal Development Grants, Organisational Grants and the Lilias Finlay Holiday Grants Fund, but resolved to make substantial donations to organisations who are involved in the areas where they felt the greatest impact could be made: arts, music and sports. Trefoil’s Board of Trustees identified these areas as those which have the potential to benefit beneficiaries in a positive way and continue Trefoil’s tradition of helping young people to better lives.
