Lothian Autistic Society

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In 2018 Trefoil gave a grant of £2,000 to the Lothian Autistic Society for their Saturday Adventure Programme.

This programme is aimed towards children aged 5-18 with autism. Two groups run in Edinburgh, with one designated to children with high support needs, 28 children in total attend these groups. The Saturday Adventure Programme is also running in East and West Lothian, with a further 43 children and young people attending in three groups
in these areas.

Activities are designed to be fun while also providing support to children and young people to help develop life skills which don’t come as naturally to them. This includes using public transport, buying items from shops, and making healthy meals. Activities are also creative in the form of art, drama, junk modelling and baking.

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Over the past year special outings have included:

  • Trampolining

  • The Falkirk Wheel

  • National Museum of Flight

  • National Mining Museum

  • A canal barge trip

  • Edinburgh Castle

  • Jupiter Artland

  • Swimming

Feedback from parents and children has been very positive. Families report that they value the respite provided by the club:

“The opportunity to have time away to catch up with friends or rest is extremely valuable and helps me a great deal. I would struggle to do without it to be honest.” Mother of child (7) who attend the Saturday Adventure Programme.
